- 서울대학교 통계학과 대학원 (석박사 통합과정)
- 서울대학교 통계학과 (학사)
- 서울대학교 간호학과 조교수
- 미국 조지아 공과대학교 생물학과 (박사후 연구과정)
- 서울대학교 통계학과 (박사후 연구과정)
- 유전역학
- 후성유전학
- 보건간호통계학
- 의료빅데이터
- ■ I Huh, S Choi, J Ki, S Kim, J Baek (2024) Premenstrual symptoms risk factors among newly graduated nurses in shift work: A prospective longitudinal study. Asian Nursing Research. accepted.
- ■ I Huh, T Park (2024) Enhanced Adaptive Permutation Test with Negative Binomial Distribution in Genome-wide Omics Datasets. Genes and Genomics. accepted.
- ■ J Oh, E Kim, I Huh (2023) Associations between weekend catch-up sleep and health-related quality of life with focusing on gender differences. Scientific Reports, 13:20280
- ■ 김은미, 오진경, 허익수 (2023) 지역사회 거주 노인의 우울 증상이 인지기능에 미치는 누적적인 영향에 관한 연구: 고령화연구패널조사 Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging 자료를 중심으로. 대한간호학회지, 53(4): 453-467
- ■ Ryu, S. I., Park, Y. H., Kim, J., Huh, I., Chang, S. J., Jang, S. N., & Noh, E. Y. (2022) Impact of COVID-19 on the social relationships and mental health of older adults living alone: A two-year prospective cohort study. PLOS ONE, 17(7)
- ■ Hwang, B., Huh, I., Jeong, Y., Cho, H., & Lee, H. (2022) Effects of educational intervention on mortality and patient-reported outcomes in individuals with heart failure: A randomized controlled trial. PATIENT EDUCATION AND COUNSELING, 105(8): 2740-2746
- ■ Lee, S., Huh, I., Kang, S., Nam, Y. E., Cho, Y., Kamruzzaman, M., Hong, J., Kwon, O., & Park, T. (2022) Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials Evaluating Effectiveness of a Multivitamin Supplementation against Oxidative Stress in Healthy Subjects. NUTRIENTS, 14(6):1170
- ■ EY Noh, YH Park, B Cho, I Huh, KC Lim, SI Ryu, AR Han, S Lee (2021) Effectiveness of a community-based integrated service model for older adults living alone: A nonrandomized prospective study. Geriatric Nursing, 42(6):1488-1496.
- ■ 오진경, 허익수 (2021) 신체활동 수준이 암 생존자의 건강 관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향: 2014-2018년 국민건강영양조사 자료 활용 연구. 한국보건간호학회지, 35(1): 72-88.
- ■ H Jeong, I Mendizabal, S Berto, P Chatterjee, T Layman, N Usui, K Toriumi, C Douglas, D Singh, I Huh, TM Preuss, G Konopka, SV Yi (2021) Evolution of DNA methylation in the human brain. Nature Communication, 12:2021.
- ■ M Son, H Kim, D Han, Y Kim, I Huh, Y Han, SM Hong, W Kwon, H Kim, JY Jang, Y Kim (2021) A Clinically Applicable 24-Protein Model for Classifying Risk Subgroups in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinomas using Multiple Reaction Monitoring-Mass Spectrometry. Clinical cancer research, 27(12):3370-3382.
- ■ Y Kim, I Yeo, I Huh, J Kim, D Han, JY Jang, Y Kim (2021) Development and Multiple Validation of the Protein Multi-marker Panel for Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer. Clinical cancer research, 27(8):2236-2245.
- ■ S Choi, S Lee, I Huh, H Hwang, T Park (2020) HisCoM-G×E: Hierarchical Structural Component Analysis of Gene-Based Gene-Environment Interactions. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(18): 6724.
- ■ I Huh, S Choi, Y Kim, SY Park, O Kwon, T Park (2020) Two-stage clustering analysis to detect pattern change of biomarker expression between experimental conditions. International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, 23(4): 299-317.
- ■ S Leem, I Huh, T Park (2020) Enhanced Permutation Tests via Multiple Pruning. Frontiers in Genetics, 11: 509.
- ■ KS Bang, I Lee, S Kim, Y Yi, I Huh, SY Jang, D Kim, S Lee (2020) Relation between Mother's Taekyo, Prenatal and Postpartum Depression, and Infant's Temperament and Colic: A Longitudinal Prospective Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(20): 7691.
- ■ J Ki, J Ryu, J Baek, I Huh, S Choi-Kwon (2020) Association between Health Problems and Turnover Intention in Shift Work Nurses: Health Problem Clustering. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(12): 4532.
- ■ 조성현, 이지윤, 홍경진, 윤효정, 심원희, 김문숙, 허익수 (2020) 간호필요도에 따른 환자분류와 환자군별 간호사 배치수준: 영국 Safer Nursing Care Tool과의 비교. 간호행정학회지, 26(1): 42-54.
- ■ 조성현, 홍경진, 윤효정, 장선주, 최경희, 박향정, 허익수 (2020) 간호·간병통합서비스 병동 환자의 중증도·간호필요도에 따른 기대 간호시간 추정과 실제 간호시간과의 비교. 간호행정학회지, 26(4): 365-377.
- ■ 조성현, 이지윤, 홍경진, 허익수 (2020) 종합병원 평균재원일수와 간호사 배치수준의 관계 : 1996-2016년 분석. 간호행정학회지, 26(5): 521-532.
- ■ I Mendizabal, S Berto, N Usui, K Toriumi, P Chatterjee, C Douglas, I Huh, H Jeong, T Layman, C.A Tamminga, T.M Preuss, G Konopka, S.V. Yi (2019) Cell type-specific epigenetic links to schizophrenia risk in the brain. Genome Biology, 20:135.
- ■ 임재빈, 허익수, 강명구 (2019) 공동주택단지의 공간 특성이 단지내 전기소비량에 미치는 영향 - 서울시 1,122개 공동주택 단지를 대상으로. 서울도시연구, 20(3): 19-37
- ■ I Huh, I Mendizabal, T Park, SV Yi (2018) Functional conservation of sequence determinants at rapidly evolving regulatory regions across mammals. Plos Computational Biology, 14(10): e1006451.
- ■ D Sun, I Huh, WM Zinzow-Kramer, DL Maney, SV Yi (2018) Rapid regulatory evolution of a nonrecombining autosome linked to divergent behavioral phenotypes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(11): 2794-2799
- ■ J Flannick, C Fuchsberger, ..., I Huh, et al. (2017) Sequence data and association statistics from 12,940 type 2 diabetes cases and controls. Scientific Data, 4(170179)
- ■ I Huh, X Wu, T Park, S Yi (2017) Detecting differential DNA methylation from sequencing of bisulfite converted DNA of diverse species. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 20(1):33-46.
- ■ DW Lee, SW Han, Y Cha, JM Cha, HW Kim, J Lyu, H Han, H Kim, H Jang, D Bang, I Huh, T Park, JK Won, SY Jeong, KJ Park, GH Kang, TY Kim (2017) Association between mutations of critical pathway genes and survival outcomes according to the tumor location in colorectal cancer. Cancer, 123(18): 3513-3523
- ■ YJ Kim, I Huh, JY Kim, et al. (2017) Integration of Traditional and Metabolomics Biomarkers Identifies Prognostic Metabolites for Predicting Responsiveness to Nutritional Intervention against Oxidative Stress and Inflammation. Nutrients, 9(3):233
- ■ C Fuchsberger, J Flannick, TM Teslovich, A Mahajan, V Agarwala, KJ Gaulton, C Ma, P Fontanillas, L Moutsianas, DJ McCarthy, MA Rivas, JRB Perry, XI Sim, TW Blackwell, NR Robertson, NW Rayner, P Cingolani, AE Locke, JF Tajes, HM Highland, J Dupuis, PS Chines, CM Lindgren, C Hartl, AU Jackson, H Chen, JR Huyghe, M van de Bunt, RD Pearson, A Kumar, M M?ller-Nurasyid, N Grarup, HM Stringham, ER Gamazon, J Lee, Y Chen, RA Scott, JE Below, P Chen, J Huang, MJ Go, ML Stitzel, D Pasko, SCJ Parker, TV Varga, T Green, NL Beer, AG Day-Williams, T Ferreira, T Fingerlin, M Horikoshi, C Hu, I Huh, et al. (2016) The genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes. Nature, 536(7614):41-47.
- ■ HR Chang, S Nam, J Lee, JH Kim, HR Jung, H Park, S Park, YZ Ahn, I Huh, et al. (2016) Systematic approach identifies RHOA as a potential biomarker therapeutic target for Asian gastric cancer. Oncotarget, 7(49):81435-81451
- ■ S Oh, I Huh, SY Lee, T Park (2016) Analysis of multiple related phenotypes in genome-wide association studies. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 14(5): 1644005
- ■ S Ryu, I Huh, EY Cho, et al. (2016) Association Study of 60 Candidate Genes with Antipsychotic-induced Weight Gain in Schizophrenia Patients. Pharmacopsychiatry, 49(2):51-56.
- ■ SY Yang, I Huh, JH Baek, et al. (2015) Association between ST8SIA2 and the Risk of Schizophrenia and Bipolar I Disorder across Diagnostic Boundaries. Plos One, 10(9): e0139413
- ■ I Huh, S Oh, MS Kwon, T Park (2015) An efficient stepwise, statistical test to identify multiple linked human genetic variants associated with specific phenotypic traits. Plos One, 10(9): e0138700
- ■ Y Cho, S Ryu, I Huh, EY Cho, H Oh, YS Le, WK Lee, T Park, JS Kwon, KS Hong (2015) Effects of genetic variations in NRG1 on cognitive domains in patients with schizophrenia and healthy subjects. Psychiatric Genetics, 25(4):147-154
- ■ I Huh, T Park (2015) Multifactor dimensionality reduction analysis of multiple binary traits for gene-gene interaction. Int. J. Data Mining and Bioinformatics, 14(4):293-304
- ■ EY Kim, SH Kim, SJ Rhee, I Huh, K Ha, J Kim, JS Chang, DH Yoon, T Park, YM Ahn (2015) Relationship between thyroid-stimulating hormone levels and risk of depression among the general population with normal free T4 levels. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 58:114-119
- ■ JS Kim, TH Ha, JS Chang, YS Park, I Huh, J Kim, KS Hong, T Park, K Ha (2015) Seasonality and its distinct clinical correlates in bipolar II disorder. Psychiatry Res, 225(3):540-544
- ■ JH Baek, JS Kim, I Huh, K Lee, JH Park, T Park, K Ha, KS Hong (2015) Prevalence, behavioral manifestations and associated individual and climatic factors of seasonality in the Korean general population. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 57:148-154
- ■ I Huh, SV Yi, T Park (2015) A test for detecting differentially methylated regions. Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2015 IEEE International Conference, 305-308.
- ■ HR Chang, S Nam, MC Kook, KT Kim, X Liu, H Yao, HR Jung, R Lemos Jr, HH Seo, HS Park, Y Gim, D Hong, I Huh, YW Kim, D Tan, CG Liu, G Powis, T Park, H Liang, YH Kim (2014) HNF4α is a therapeutic target that links AMPK to WNT signalling in early-stage gastric cancer. GUT, 65(1):19-32
- ■ I Huh, X Yang, T Park, SV Y (2014) Bis-class: a new classification tool of methylation status using bayes classifier and local methylation information. BMC genomics, 15:608
- ■ JH Shin, T Park and, IS Huh (2013) Nursing Staffing and Quality of Life in Western New York Nursing Homes. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 36:788-805.
- ■ JH Namkung, JE Lee, E Kim, IS Huh, T Park, ES Shin, EY Cho, JM Yang (2013) Single nucleotide polymorphism in the FLT4 gene is associated with atopic dermatitis in Koreans. Cytokine, 62(1): 110-114
- ■ KI Kim, IS Huh, IW Kim, T Park, KS Ahn, SS Yoon, JH Yoon, JM Oh (2013) Combined interaction of multi-locus genetic polymorphisms in cytarabine arabinoside metabolic pathway on clinical outcomes in adult acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) patients. Eur J Cancer, 49(2):403-10.
- ■ HY Park, CR Kim, IS Huh, MY Jung, EY Seo, JH Park, DY Lee and JM Yang (2013) Staphylococcus aureus colonization in acute and chronic skin lesions of patients with atopic dermatitis. Ann Dermatol, 25(4):410-416
- ■ I Huh, J Zeng, T Park, SV Yi (2013) DNA methylation and transcriptional noise. Epigenetics & Chromatin, 6:9
- ■ JH Yoo, S Ryu, EY Cho, IS Huh, T Park, YS Lee, JS Kwon, KS Hong (2012) Association Analyses of ST8SIA2 Genetic Polymorphisms with Schizophrenia in the Korean Population. Korean J Biol Psychiatry, 19:140-145
- ■ HY Park, IS Huh, DY Lee, JM Yang (2011) Serum Zinc Levels in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis. Annals of Dermatology, 49(8):670-675
- ■ IS Kim, HJ Kim, HS Yang, E Kim, IS Huh, and JM Yang (2011) IL-31 serum protein and tissue mRNA levels in patients with atopic dermatitis. Ann Dermatol, 23(4):468-473
- ■ IS Huh, S Oh, T Park (2011) A chi-square test for detecting multiple joint genetic variants in genome-wide association studies. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, Workshops, 708-713, Atlanta, USA
- ■ S Lee, MS Kwon, IS Huh and, T Park (2011) CUDA-LR : CUDA-accelerated Logistic Regression Analysis Tool for Gene-Gene Interaction for Genome-Wide Association Study. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, Workshops, 691-695, Atlanta, USA